5 Reasons to Create M2M / IoT Case Studies Now

As you may know, the team at Calysto firmly believes that case studies are an excellent way to showcase your company’s products and solutions. This is particularly true for the many burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications businesses out there.

The technology world is abuzz with talk of the massive growth predicted for the IoT. Of course, there are case_study-5some that understand what can be realized through the IoT but there are many – even in the business world – who don’t realize just yet the far reach that IoT is having already across many industries. Yes, there may be really cool smart refrigerators (actually GE recently announced the first; check out what folks are saying about ChillHub) but there already are businesses across an array of verticals markets including farming, oil and gas, and maritime that are all using IoT platforms and applications to grow their businesses.

For any business, case studies can be very time consuming to write. Not only do you have to identify the right customers, you have to get those customers to open up, tailor questions for this customer, conduct an interview, write the case study and get approvals. As we’ve said before, it’s worth it for any business. However, in the IoT world, it can give you an even greater leg up in a fast-paced, quickly changing market sector.

Here’s what case studies can do for your IoT company:

1)      Educate. While a case study isn’t a ‘how to’ manual for the IoT, case studies provide great examples of how businesses can develop, integrate and deploy IoT solutions and applications. They can serve to educate the market IoT solutions in general, and of course, the results that your company’s specific products and services can produce.

2)      Prove It. The goal of a case study is to show measureable results. If your company has helped a customer decrease costs by 20 percent or increase productivity by 30 percent, by all means shout about it.

3)      Make IoT Tangible. Potential customers hear a lot about what IoT can do, but they can’t always envision it. A case study detailing what problems you solved for a customer and how they got from point A to point B will go a long way in getting them thinking about what not only what they can do as a business, but what you can do for them.

4)      Demonstrate Strengths and Vertical Expertise. In a crowded market, it’s often hard to differentiate your business. If customers are choosing you because of particular strengths of your solutions, then that is something you should highlight. Make sure to point out the specific benefits of these solutions and how they helped your customer(s). Also, if the IoT implementation showcases your company’s expertise in say, IoT healthcare, be sure to provide examples and messages that reinforce this expertise.

5)      Provide You with Content to Use Elsewhere. Case studies are ideal pieces of content to repurpose. A good example – you can reuse key customer quotes as testimonials in sales brochures or on your website. Take it a step further and conduct a video interview with the featured customer so you can get a visual version of the case study to use for social media. Want to do more? Create a SlideShare and have your salespeople add to it to their signatures or in the electronic sales collateral.

These are just a few of the reasons why IoT companies should leverage case studies. We hope you see that implementing a case study program as a content marketing tool can help your business. If you want to learn more, take a look at Calysto’s free step-by-step guide How to Create a Killer Case Study Program, which will take your through the case study process step by step.


IoT ebook 2018

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