There are 12 days (8 business days) left until SUPERCOMM. Over the next 1½-week, we will continue our “SUPERCOMM Special Edition” of the PR Vibes™ e-mail newsletter. These tips and tidbits will include checklists, funny stories, places to eat and drink and how to get the most out of SUPERCOMM 2005.
The venerable press release is one of the most important aspects of a company’s PR arsenal. When well written and thoughtfully delivered to the media, it can be an important tool in generating publicity.
All too often marketers take the “spray n’ pray” approach. They believe that if they simply write a news release and issue it over a major wire service that the media will automatically come knocking on their door to request an interview. In the vast majority of cases, the media will nearly always ignore a news release that is sent without any kind of strategic thinking and elbow grease involved. If the media does not pay attention to what you are saying, you can rest assured that your intended audience for the news release will not see it either.
For an example of the volume of news releases that cross a reporter’s desk each day, surf on over to one of the major wire services websites ( or and take a look at the sheer number of news releases issued in a given hour. Unless your company is part of the Fortune 500, in most instances your news release will simply be ignored or discarded. The week of a big tradeshow (like SUPERCOMM 2005), each editor will receive nearly 400 press releases in a day.
At Calysto Communications, we never take the “spray n’ pray” approach to news release distribution. Sure, we do use wire services, as there is no better tool for national or global distribution of a news release. We take it a step further by communicating directly with the media and analysts who will be interested in covering your company’s announcement.
We pride ourselves at Calysto on the fact that all of the clients we work with are wireless, networking and/or telecom companies and have a need to reach the movers and shakers in the telecommunications marketplace. Our relationships with the media, analyst and influencer communities have been forged over time, so they listen to us when we call. In essence, we act as your hotline to the media.
If you want to get the word out about your company and get the most impact for your important announcements, pick up the phone and call us. We would be glad to discuss our services further and provide more explanation as to why the “spray n’ pray” approach is nearly always a bad idea.
However, If you’ve got some news to waste and some cash to burn, give “spray n’ pray” a try. Be sure to cross your fingers, too – your news will need all the help it can get to grab an already inundated editor’s attention.
Keep your eyes peeled for more SUPERCOMM PR Vibes in the coming weeks!
Calysto Communications
P.S. We are now setting meetings for SUPERCOMM. We’d love to meet with you and tell you a little more about Calysto. If you are interested, contact Lindsey Gray at 404-266-2060 x.12 or
The “SUPERCOMM Special Edition” of the PR Vibes™ e-mail newsletter is separate from the Wireline Media Vibes you are currently receiving that informs you of the changes within the media and analyst arena. You will only be removed from the “SUPERCOMM Special Edition,” unless otherwise noted. If you are new to this list, Calysto provides regular updates on industry events, news and trends. We include a dose of our own expertise as well as the perspectives of reputable editors and analysts. Let us know if you want to be removed from this listTo Subscribe / Unsubscribe please email
Also check out our other Vibes emails: SUPERCOMM Vibes, Wireline Vibes, Optical Vibes, VoIP Vibes, Wireless Vibes, Cable Vibes, OSS Vibes, Tradeshow Vibes, Media Vibes, and PR Vibes. PR Vibes gives you tips and suggestions concerning the PR industry. Tradeshow Vibes provides a first hand overview on the latest industry tradeshow. Media Vibes (most widely distributed Vibes) allows are readers to know the current changes within the media and analyst arena. We customize each into categories (VoIP, Wireless, Wireline, Ethernet, OSS, Satellite, Storage etc.) so our readers are not receiving information that is not relevant to their sector. Email or reply if you’d like to subscribe to another vertical Vibes list.
About Calysto
Atlanta-based Calysto Communications is a public relations firm focused on a single market niche – communications. The agency helps wireless, telecom, VoIP, cable and other communications companies effectively create and deliver their own unique messages to their key audiences. Calysto works with start-ups as well as public companies, helping them deploy new technologies, gain leadership positions and influence editorial opinion to positively affect their bottom line. For more information about Calysto Communications, a minority-owned business and registered member of the Small Business Association (SBA), please call 404-266-2060 or