How to Become an Award-Winning Company


How valuable are awards to your business? Winning an award can help in many areas of your business, including attracting investors, retaining top talent and gaining new customers. Awards are a way to differentiate from your competitors and can help you get your leg in the door in places where you might not have been able to before.


Download this whitepaper from Calysto, and learn:

  • The different types of awards your company might be eligible for – and those you should avoid
  • Strategies you can undertake to maximize your chances at winning key awards
  • The key elements of an award-winning entry
  • Materials you can prepare in advance to avoid last-minute entry mistakes

Have questions about Calysto’s expertise in Positioning and Messaging, Content Marketing, Public and Analyst Relations, and Social Media Strategy across the AI, IoT, mobile, wireless, and telecom industries? Contact Kati Bucciero or 404-266-2060 x546.