Allot: Transforming Technical Content into Thought Leadership

Business Goal

To drive sales in the mobile market.

Marketing Goal

To create thought leadership by turning Allot’s not-so-sexy “bandwidth management” and “deep packet inspection” story into one that would capture the attention of all media, including mainstream and mobile.


  • Positioned Allot’s technical story as a trend story by helping the company develop and promote a quantitative study on international mobile broadband usage, called MobileTrends:
  • Developed a one-page Executive Summary that made it easy to pull out the most noteworthy findings.
  • Helped Allot organize the information based on regional trends to maximize its international appeal
  • Pre-pitched the study to build the buzz and offered exclusive “day of” coverage to a reporter for The New York Times and GigaOM that Calysto knew well.
  • Ensured data was presented in a “user-friendly” format, complete with graphics.
  • Included a “conclusion” in the report that many reports used as the main theme of their story.


  • Allot reached 2,857 people in the United States for every dollar spent (just $7,000 was spent on the entire campaign) – and many thousands more globally.
  • Secured nearly 20 million U.S. media impressions alone, with significant business coverage – including coverage in the online version of the New York Times and as well as in key mobile publications.
  • Potential customers downloaded more than 600 copies of the report from the website within 6 months of its release.
  • Industry players began calling Allot a thought leader in both market share and technological innovation.
  • Subsequent MobileTrends reports have received similar – or even better – coverage results, and data and graphics from the reports are featured in Allot’s social media outlets as well.

Have questions about Calysto’s expertise in Positioning and Messaging, Content Marketing, Public and Analyst Relations, and Social Media Strategy across the AI, IoT, mobile, wireless, and telecom industries? Contact Kati Bucciero or 404-266-2060 x546.